whatsup? tie? groove?!
< sing dollars a musical comedy > gotta the tix from jie & christon. they couldnt make it so yeap, guy & i became the substitute.
the free ‘gift’
we both love this.
after the musical comedy, sat outside esplanade.
love the night scene
and he decided to draw for me. awww.
gosh its 11.30pm! time flies when i’m with him. how come?
i look like a boy –
review: love the musical. 2.5hr hrs of non-stop laughter. my fav – kumar & hossan leong. hossan leong blow me with his MJ dance routine. two thumbs up!
PS – poor guy felt kinda uncomfortable with the seats, it happen when you have long legs !
PPS – i wanna catch the hossan leong show. anyone? guy?