long entry – trust me – i have aldy removed alot of photos.. ! 🙂
these are the links:
2.15pm marriot hotel. van pick up. i was late. opps, pulled jen & we dashed across orchard road. i’m sorry !
guess – where are we going?!
it’s a ship.
ta-dah ! she wondered – how do i know abt this? coz i’m smart? coz i’m full of ideas? coz i’m groove? keke
3pm cruise
good bye singapore !
2.5hr journey interior. poor us. $27 each. only gotta coffee / tea and kong guan biscuits.
passing by..
we ended up at kusu island. its our first time stepping on this little island.
the temple, of coz.
love this tree. its standing tall, soft yet strong.
picture – perfect
that’s home. i supposed.
tempted to climb !
aww.. sea. one of the few things i loved.
5.30pm ended. back at marina south pier.
taxi to hotel – guess?
the hint.
hotel floor plan – we’re staying at the link !
our beds.
tv etc
bathroom. not bad for $140.
rested before heading out to… vivolook~! we found the troop. go visit them at vivo.
7.30pm dinner @ serenity. i always wanted to try spanish food & kor said this restaurant pretty good – live band, great food, affordable prices..
well, $60 bucks for two.we sat here !
i loved this table lamp.
movie at night.
slp at 3am.
next morning. i made us coffee and tea.
checked out.
lunched. she have be tokin abt ‘liu sha bao’ for the longest time.. since we gotta back from hk. vincent recommended this restaurant.
bosses @ vivo
wow, either my photography skill fantasticy-good or the food is simply good.
snap this & the staff politely informed me – no photos allow. opps!
lunch for two – another $60.
i’m sorry, no present for jen but i left her with memories. we do spend quite abit on each other’s bdae. figure its the best time of the year to simply papmered your frds. now, do you wanna be my frds? hehe
U R A GREAT BIRTHDAY COORDINATOR!! U R such an explorer!!!!!!!!! I AM SURE BOTH UR FRENZ N U SUPER ENJOY DIS DAY..WHO WON’T! U r really full of ideas gal!