mummy delivered these to us on a sunday morning !
sooo sweet 🙂
‘hey, stop paying singtel. they owe us $445.16. the bill only cost $1.00 plus a mth so you have been overpaying. there is a negative with Singtel now.. so you can stop paying for mths !’ – jie wathsapp me.
wahhahaahaha !!
every mth, i would faithfully transfer $40 to Singtel for our land line .. until NEGATIVE $445.16 !
dad saw the bill and he’s like telling jie.. we really need to settle this bill. we owe Singtel $400+ ! Jie is like, NO. i dont think so. ying paid the bill EVERY mth.
yup, i did ! i’m so good at paying bills that Singtel owe us $400+ …
sigh ! huang minying !
– G
its been 6 weeks since we are married .
*smile * i cant believe i have been mrs chua, his wife and the owner of a flat.
there have been alot of sweet moments… our first night at the new flat, cooking together, having different opinion in preparing the ingredients, doing house chore together, giving each other hugs before leaving home every morning, listening to him playing the keyboard (1 of my favourite), hearing him humming while fixing stuff around the house, sleeping next to him at night, cheering for spore team during sea games, sitting side by side on our respective computers / laptops, spending hours chit chatting..
of coz, like every marriage.. we have our not-so-happy moment. when i cook dinner and waited 2 hrs for him to be home, when we have our disagreement in the kitchen.
we have more good moments den not-so-good moments. i guess, we are lucky to shared similar living habits and beliefs. that’s make living together easier.
last, i’m very glad that both our parents are very nice and easy to get along. 🙂
– G
pple, i hv a new ALWAYS WANTED …. to run a marathon !
i suppose this is not unlike me. i used to be a school runner, i’m not out of shape and the last time i checked, my legs and arms are still pretty toned.
since i’m on this topic, there’s a Sundown Marathon to be held on 26 may 2012. which means kervin & i hv abt 5 mths + to train for a 10km ?!
told ya.. i’m serious !
– G