date: 24 Nov 2012
time: 1900 hours
who: me, jen, jeff, aunty and kor
*before !
*jie’s church friend deco the unity candle with fake flowers ! so pretty !
*maid of honor bouquet .. aka my bouquet ! 🙂
*love my bouquet !
*flowers to be tie along the pews
*another view of the flowers ! so nice right?!!!
*that’s how it look like !

*ribbon / flowers / ribbon / flowers ..

*having fun !
*ribbon at the entrance
*flower stands !
*what’s beneath?!

*close up !

*ta-dah, almost done !
missing in action: red carpet
*her church aunty got these blue cloth just for jie & christon.
*reception table
*the food label !
*kitchen !
*she’s making a 4-tier cake !
*everybody hard at work !

*giant party poppers !!!
*i love this photo ! look at jie.. she’s gorgeous !
she print this photo herself 🙂

*photo & frame from MDW
*the band practising !
meanwhile… at pionner
*jie’s gown and door stickers !
– G