My Big 30 !
I have hit the 3X.
I am not afraid of growing old.
Everyone aged, it’s a fact of life.
I just hope I remain young at heart !
I might be singing a different tune when I hit 40! hahahaha
Flowers from kervin
This was a surprise! He never breath a word about sending me flowers.
Pleasant surprise and I hope he will always buy me flowers.
Fireflies at Msia
Woo ! always-wanted.
The day trip was kinda lame but Jen & I keep ourselves entertained, with gossip, chit chat and catch up. The fun part was noticing a lady in our tour group with really brushy legs.. hahahahaha
The boat ride was kinda scary, the river so dark but the fireflies are pretty !
*1 day tour to msia with jen !
First time giving out Hong Bao
It was fun, preparing the hong bao. Deciding-who-is-worth-how-much! I was a little stressful at the distribution part though.. hehe!
First wedding dinner together
I usually attend wedding banquet by myself. It’s a different experience attending a dinner with pumpkin. He’s interested in the food and I am interested in checking out the bride.
Thank you sailor & sailormoon for inviting us.
Underground dinning (organised by JAM)
I read abt this unique dining experience somewhere. But I kinda felt that this underground dinning is cater for singles den foodies.
Worth a try though: www.meetup.com/Secret-
Short Trip to KL
I decided I need a short-trip and KL was the nearest and inexpensive destination. We stayed at Dorset; ate A&W; street food; ordered room service ! it was a good trip
Quiet April.
Disneyland – stay
We went for another trip, this time in HK ! We stayed at Wifi hotel and Disneyland Hollywood hotel ! hmmm… the shopping and food are okie but I am in love with their Disneyland. Even though its mostly kinda funky seeing Disney characters speaking Cantonese. But, I still felt like a little kid, kiddy rides, pizzas from pushcart, seeing the super cute Disney characters, shopping, fireworks, soaking in the magical experience !
Wisdom tooth
Removal of wisdom tooth. I am amazed that I live with the pain for days but what could I do? To see a dentist in HK is out of question. I cant speak their language and I definitely want to utilize my medisave ! hahahaha
Thank you George getting rid of the unwanted tooth and the 5 days of MC. Seriously, the pain is NOT worth the MC !!
Our first painting from Franc Franc
USS, Singtel
We been talking about visiting USS but the entrance fee is like $70+ per pax. The fireworks is only on weekend and I am not in love with Universal characters… so, I am super happy when Singtel sponsor most of the tickets and gave us $20 mealvouchers!
The park wasn’t crowded and 30 mins que for the transformers ride ! *happy
Spa with Jie
I decided to pamper jie and bring her to a spa ! just the 2 of us, too bad I didn’t managed to get couple suite.
It was nice and she totally njoy it !
Farm Stay
Ahhh.. this is almost like a ‘always-wanted’ but it was so disappointing! It was raining non-stop and the place is kinda run down. The best part of it was sitting in bed and eating non-stop… hahaha ! Luckily I got a groupon deal ! but oh well, good experience !
If you are interested: www.dkranji.com.sg/
Kevin’s 30 Birthday (keyboard cake, surprise birthday party)
So proud of myself to pull off this secret party !
I had to plan everything behind his back, ordering the keyboard cake (www.jincakes.com/) , deciding on the food (Umi Sushi, Dominos pizza, Thai To Go and coordinate with his family !
Kervin is happy and that made me happy.
Family trip to Bali
Hhaaha ! this trip with his family was interesting & eye opening ! both of us were a little worried that we lost sleep over it. it our first time bringing his parents for a holiday and I am so glad that they had fun! They been asking us when’s the next trip !
I like the nice cool volcano, the food, the swimming pool, the beautiful sunset. I am very proud to bring his parents on a trip ! I am sorta planning the next trip already ! haha !
We stayed at www.villabaladewabali.
Jie’s food tasting
Yay ! jie’s wedding is fast approaching and one of the few things I am involved in is food tasting !
I had lotsa fun during the food tasting. Her husband’s family are friendly and nice.
Jen’s birthday – Go Kart
I know that she always wanted to be in the driver’s seat!
2 schools of thoughts:
1. We could fly in Msia, go-kart and fly back on the same day
2. We could fly in Msia, go-kart and do a stay-over.
I opt for the latter. I thought it would be fun to hang out. We ended up ordering room service coz (1) we are lazy to walk to the hotel’s restaurant and (2) she have never order room service before.
We stayed at Concorde Inn sepang.
One Year Anniversary – Turi Beach
This was kinda unplanned. I saw a deal and decided to go with the flow. Hahaha!
Too bad, we didn’t get to try ATV coz it was raining non-stop but I did njoyed my KFC meal and dancing to Justin Bieber !
Perm my hair
Hahaha, yay ! I finally got rid of my long straight hair and perm my hair ! I love it ! the flip side of it – maintenance ! have to blow-dry my hair, apply this and that. So troublesome !!
Jie’s wedding: Bridal Party, Church Deco, Church Rehearsal & Actual Day
We are at the bride beck & call but gladly so !
The bridal party was interesting. There’s a gathering, deco, food & drinks. The couple play some games. Good fun & laughter
The church rehearsal was okie. Her flowers girl & boy are extremely naughty.
The church deco was taken care by Jen’s florist. The church look so different when incorporated with cream flowers and blue ribbons !
On the actual day, everything was perfect. I nearly cut off a portion of her hair when I couldn’t remove the bobby pin, we left the veil in the car and only notice it moments before church service. Pasir Ris & Pioneer are really two ends of Singapore. But the rest, make-up, the flowers, the gate crushing games, dad managed to walk her in without stepping on her gown, Christon’s song & dance.. end wells.
* her church friends baked this cake !
Back to pioneer (k’s reservist)
K went back to camp and I went back home ! I love staying at home, having home-cooked food, sleeping in my own room. Awesome !
Gathering at 352
I look forward to this gathering with both our families. Honestly, I was a little stress out until pumpkin kindly remind me ‘minying, these pple are your family. relax okie?’ oh yah or ! I don’t have to impressed family with a super clean home nor super yummy food.
Anniversary Lunch @ Peach Garden
Even though our anniversary is on 1 Jan but we always celebrate in late-dec to avoid the crowd ! we been together for 3 years, married for 14 mths
2012 has been a good year with lotsa mini-adventures and laughter. The past 12 mths I really learn to live with kervin, understand his pattern and habits. I am really glad that we are still doing a lot of things together. of coz I have down times.. smts, I really dislike doing housechore, taking the morning 74, not spending enough time with my family.. all in all, it was a GOOD year ! i hope you have a good year too.
Anyway, lets get ready to sing auld lang syne tonight ! 2013 is fast approaching ! I have a few adventure up my sleeves already !