happy july !

its been a different but happy july !
26 days of not working, that’s a FIRST in my life.
its not a tai tai life, house chore are still part of my everyday.

i been to 2 staycation, first with jen at naumi liora and the second with pumpkin at movenpick heritage. i had steamboat with his family, bbq with mine, a fun-filled day at sentosa, river safari, zoo, SEA aquarium, meals with friends, whatsapp-ed some of my old friends and i did part time work for/ with jie!

6 out of 26 days were spent working! the hourly rate is okie but most importantly is working alongside jie. It was stress-free and mostly simple tasks! i really njoyed our breakfast / lunch together ! its been interesting seeing what she does for her church and how her work has help others!

i know this july break only comes (most probably!) once in a lifetime ! i am NOT a workaholic but i cannot imagine doing another break. And i really dont wish to be out of job (again) !! 😀

tomorrow will be a new START in my life. i will give my all to the new company as i had with NE.


– G


Lunch @ Ocean Restaurant

woohooooo !
this is part of his birthday ! i really wanted to have lunch on his actual day but the restaurant is close for a private event.
oh wel! we had lunch the following day 🙂

*the bears watching tv

*he is reading newspaper

*while i am doing funny stuff

*walking to the restaurant

we couldnt find our way to the restaurant (its easier if you have entrance ticket to SEA) anyway, we were given a buggy ride ! cool !! 😀

*look !!

*the menu *the waiter wait for about 10 mins and we havent look at the menu ! we couldnt take our eyes off the tank !

he decided to asked ‘water? still or sparkling?’
i thought still was the cheaper option. the bottle cost $8 each !! coke is only $5 -_-

*starter,kinda ordinary

*starter,yummy !

*his main course ! super good

*my main course was so-so

*ahhh !! the restaurant remember its his birthday celebration .they gave us a complimentary cake ! pleasant surprise !

wonderful meal to end the fantastic weekend !

– G


staycation @ movenpick !

a night stay at sentosa to celebrate his birthday!
i got the room at $240 a night, super good deal !*going out !

breakfast :

*at vivo, super spicy tom yam noodles


*yay ! no que ! lucky us !


*love this

lunch time:

*not bad lah

*happy pumpkin !


*hotel lobby *our room! on the 6th floor

super comfy bed

*coffee maker

*the super nice bathroom !

*njoying the view

out for fun:

*we did this x3 times ! hahaha
1 at 8pm,night luge is super cool !

dinner at chillis

we went for ice cream & drinks at Mcd after watching Songs of the Sea !

– G


my very own !

my old computer having problem..
i was kinda upset, 3 weeks at home,without computer.

we started talking about buying a laptop.
i always wanted one. just think that its awesome to own a laptop ! 🙂
my budget is 1k, smt simple, for blogging and surfing.

ta-dah !

*comes with a free laptop bag !

i love it !!

happy happy happy !

– G


jobs jobs jobs !

i must have send out 50-80 resumes !
that’s why i stop blogging!!
my day was like go to work, hand-over, look for jobs, send out resume, go home dinner & bath, send out more resume.


my FIRST interview was with xx company.
the night before, goggled all the common-ask-interview-questions, practise with kervin !

on the day of the interview, the nice HR manager welcome me and took me to a room. she checked my papers and told me to wait for 4 interviewers. oh boy !! i haven’t been to a interview for ages and i have to ‘sell’ myself not only once but 4 times, to 4 ladies. that’s tough.

its a short 20 mins interview.

I GOT THE JOB ! :):)

my SECOND interview was with xx company.
after talking to the recruitment agent, pumpkin asked ‘are you sure abt tobacco company?’ i asked ‘why you say that?’ pumpkin ‘i know you have your principles’

I decided to go ahead with the interview.
I don’t like the reporting manager; cant be bother to impress them. haha !
yup, as expected, i didnt hear from the tobacco company.

its fun checking out my competitors though !
omg, there’s a candidate who arrived 1 hour before her schedule time.
she was wearing slippers,  she changed into her formal shoes at the reception area. tsk tsk tsk ! at least I changed mine in the cab. 🙂

the other 2 candidates was super casual. i know the company is located at a industrial area but still…

my THIRD interview was with a school.
totally dig the school environment & work scope.

sigh.. what a disappointment!
the school dean called me & did a phone interview. I nail the interview and he told me I will be hearing from the HR manager shortly. the HR manager called me and asked some qns. she promise to call me back within 2-3 days with the ‘package’

instead I received a rejection email!
i called the HR manager immediately, wanting to know what’s going on.
long story short, their recruitment process sucks ! The Dean and HR gave their green light but there’s another guy who say no to my application. Come on, shouldn’t the HR call me AFTER getting everyone’s approval?
the nice HR lady told me to try for other position, drop her an email and she will try to help me. all I can say is ‘once bitten, twice shy’


my new job will be starting 1st Aug.

will do a little part time job but mostly stay home and shake leg

– G