let go

i never knew quitting has sucha huge impact in my life.

1st week –
still in denial. cant believe i have resigned.
AFTER 10 years.
its like leaving my second family.

2nd week –
emotionally more settled, started on handover documents

3rd week –
a struggle.
i get super upset when i felt my colleagues either treat me as non-existent or pple taking over me make stupid mistakes.
it really really get to me.

another colleague of mine sum it up pretty well ‘after 10 years, you still committed to your job. pei fu. most pple here start to slack liao. but you dont.’

lets be fair, everyone slack, so do i. my rules is – i am being paid, i should work.
it might be not within my job scope but that’s life isnt it.

anyway, i told myself to let go. i have resigned and my job is to do a proper handover. i can’t expect everyone to be like me, to do things in exactly the same manner as i do.

4th week –
i’m at the final leg of the month long notice.
in fact, today is the last day.
how do i feel? actually, okie.
none of us want this to happened, what can we do?
part & parcel of life.

saying goodbye to some of my colleagues is really painful..
ordered the following from Jen:

*for one of my boss

*my favorite sales !

*the world best & nicest manager 🙂

*lili farewell

i’ll miss the good old days with the ops team.
the laughter, the jokes, paste stickers together at warehouse, working late, coming in early, my dear lady boss, my desk,  the people.


18th June: insomnia

im all tucked in but sleep refuse to come.
stay awake thinking of NE.

i belong to NE.
how does it feel to stop working?
how about my work?
how about my sales director? who is gotta assist him?
what about warehouse?
what should i get for warehouse?
how to inform my favourite pple that i am no longer with NE?
how to say goodbye to my second family?

i dunno.


(written on 19th June)


new office !

saying goodbye to the old office:


 hello to new office:

*my desk !

*mktg area

*the pantry !

*my bosses office

*my desk !

– G


lets play catch up.. May to June

wave wave!
here’s what happened in the mth of May to June:

*dual fried rice from pumpkin !

Breakfast for kervin & i 🙂

*egg and bread !

*flip !

*ready for my tummy

Storeroom Rack

*finally ! store room rack from Ikea !


*the old storeroom

*the old storeroom(1)

*its empty !

*all done !

Move Office

*my old desk at PP

*my old desk(1)

*after 1st round of packing !

*so empty !

*all my barang barang + office stuff

*all of us shift to ‘temp’ space !

*its a mess !

Surprise for Jen !

met her on one of the weekend, 1st plan of the plan..

*i checked into Studio M …

*tour of the room by myself ..

*and left the key at the hotel reception. Jen’s bf pick it up hours later.

i met her, took her to a massage and dinner.
bring her back to studio m, open the door and she was surprise to see her bf lying in the bed watching tv ! hahaha
she was totally impressed with me ! yay !
Mee Siam

*cook mee siam for jen & pumpkin ! 🙂

– G


10 June: the day i quit

its been a tough tough 2 weeks.

first came the news.. 2 out of 3 pple in my department are leaving, 1 immediate, 1 will serve a month notice and i am the ‘leftover’ !
its tough being the leftover.
i rejected the extra money. come on, who would accept sucha increment!! it just felt so so wrong to me.

i been in a bad mood at home; broke down in tears over the weekend.
unhappy, lost, sad. what-if.. what-if.. future.. jobless..
all unknown.

after careful consideration..  i decided to resigned.
i will miss the good old days with my team and my dear lady boss.

a fresh start awaits me.

(written on 10th June)