
event: spore airshow 2010
date: 07th feb 2010
companion: pumpkin
photographer: pumpkin

there’s no way we gotta missed the biggest aerospace and defence exhibition in Asia ! awesome !

according to him, events after events pass by him.. seldom make it for sucha events. well, with me.. its all abt experience life, having fun ! *wink

“as long as you live it honestly, go for it !”

*at the entrance.

*the space, the pple, the lethal blue sky

*happy pumpkin !

*i could hardly keep my eyes open !*miniature #1*miniature #2*miniature #3*pumpkin – what’s this? i forgot the name ?! A: chinook

*i forgot the name too ! haha !

*saw this guy looking at the crowd.

*where? the plane?

*a tiny speck.

*blink and you’ll miss it.

*our very own -RSAF

*contributor of our sunburn.

*cap story.
thoughtful pumpkin brought along 3 caps from home. black, red and army style for me to choose from. sweet.

*more.. more !

*that’s it. folks.

*under the safety / shelter of the cap.

*hot but smiling pumpkin

*pumpkin’s plane.
pumpkin & his bro had lotsa fun with this ‘hand-plane’
so cute ! *everybody, awwwww..

*for some freakin rich man?


*sorry baby, i cant get that for you.*US Air Force

*me to pumpkin: the guy on the plane is trying so hard to ‘act-cool’ let take a photo of him lah. dont make him waste his time standing under the hot sun.

*whats made me happy?

*for the tough & brave.. but very stupid pple. *one of my fav photos

*pick one baby.

*where are we goin?*show-off !

*some VIP?

*fav pix of the day.
good job pumpkin !

*death of the 5 bucks magnum.
super hot day & i could feel a headache heading my way. ice-cream seems like a good idea. all the ice-cream outta stock except ben & jerry and magnum. 5 bucks ! kinda exp? but it was nice, sharing the ice cream and walking out of airshow. i had those warm & fuzzy moment.

thank you pumpkin !

time to address those nasty sunburn. ouch.. sob.

– G

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