calm. haha
just wanna blogged abt 2 ladies i encountered.
Lady #1
ntuc cashier, waiting for my turn. look ard & saw a long que in front of me, wondering what are they waiting for? oh. 4D. decided to sms guy, will u spend 30mins que for 4D? told him i wont – waste time & wont strike anyway. guy reply? if there is a special number or someone ask him to buy. paid for my purchases, walk out of ntuc & saw this very pregnant lady.
bothered me.
what?! must be a very special number she’s buying or she buying on behalf of a loved one. i refuse to believe, she is buying it for herself. mm. yes, being practical, everyone needs monies, but it a V-E-R-Y L-O-N-G que. tsk tsk. pregnant + long que. fyi – i hear that its 1.2m. still.
Lady #2
Bus 145. this woman behind me keeps pushing me. duh. what the hurry! turn ard wanting to give her the evil eye & oh. she is pregnant & she is pushin me with HER TUMMY. omg. i quickly give way to her. duh. all she had to do is shout “i’m pregnant, let me get on the bus!”
conclusion: being pregnant is a 9 long mths of privilege. njoy it. 😀