‘always wanted’ deserve a page on its own. =)
”i personally subscribe to the belief that normal is just a setting on d dryer”
Ultralight Aircraft Flight
simliar to mircolight !
Swim with the Dolphins
Everybody love dolphins !
Yacht Cruise
with friends and family !
Romantic Dinner Sunset Cruise
Saw this when i was surfing the net ! so romantic !
Milky Way
i really like to see milky way.
Tandem Paraglider
saw this on a tv program. so cool !! i want, i want, i want !
Hire a Private Chef
just love the idea of this but its sooooo exp !
simple. healthy. 10km !
this require numerous approval from various pple. the idea of driving on d road frightened me.. a little. but, hey ! what’s life without a little risk? i’m NOT seeking for death or thrill but its a dream, a always-wanted.
make a snowman.snow fight.
hey, u’ll get this after staying in sucha humid country !
Watch a rocket launch, live
goggling for ideas and i tot this is sucha great idea ! how often do you see that, live !
Plant a tree
how cool is that? to own a tree.
Sleep outdoor watching the stars
simple always wanted. i’m not looking forward to spending the night with ants and bugs..
but its so romantic. me, pumpkin, stars, peace, laughter and ants! awww …
Reverse Bungee jumping
finding courage.. *wink www.gmax.com.sg/Home.html
pumpking asked: minying, why so adventurous?!
City Sky Tour
Royal Carribean
2015, happy 33th birthday !
Train rides in Tokyo !
i always thought i would go Taiwan for train rides.. bullet train from Tokyo to Koyto is better !
Tokyo with pumpkin ! dec 2014
Microlight flying
Huge Love for microlight. freedom, wind, view. (Avani Sepang Goldcoast Malaysia, with vin, Aug 2014)
tried,i sucks, hahaha (Avani Sepang Goldcoast Malaysia, with vin, Aug 2014)
Overwater Bungalows / Chalet
i love looking at the sea and think of life. (Avani Sepang Goldcoast Malaysia, with vin, Aug 2014)
Visit Joe Bastianich & Jamie Oliver Restaurant
i been watching Masterchef and i really like to try out their food ! (Osteria Mozza, with Jen, Jan 2014)
Jamie Oliver restaurant (Sept 2013)
Skywalk X
We saw this on TV and we decided Macau is our next destination. hahaha !
Sky lantern
i always love to let go of balloons. i like the idea of letting them fly away..
fulfilled this with Jen (Jan 2012)
A Night Stay at Disneyland HK
everything disney, magical experience !
thanks pumpkin for fulfilling this wish !
(May 2012)
Disney on Ice
yay ! happy, happy ! finally fulfilled this always-wanted !
i love Disney
Forest Adventure / Para jump
leap of faith !
Fireflies trip
thanks Jen for fulfilling this alwsays wanted in 2012 !
we went Msia and took a boat ride and and lotsa fireflies …
Horse Riding
Thank you Jen for fulfilling another always-wanted in 2013!
My horse is named puma and hers is milo !
– G